Make an autumn wreath!

Autumn is getting stronger, and the colors of plants begin to become more gorgeous. At this time, pick the autumn colors in nature and make a garland with strong autumn feelings!autumn wreath ideas:


There are many ways to make a wreath, and using a ring-shaped flower clay base is one of them, and it is also a more convenient one. To use the circular flower clay, first let the flower mud absorb water, and then use a knife to cut off the edges and corners of the flower clay surface to present the largest and most stable flower arrangement surface.


The first plant to be used is the leaves of the safflower, and the tips of the safflower begin to turn dark purple in autumn. Cut the leaves into twigs and insert them into the mud.


Then add the rose hips. Post-flowering roses bear red or orange fruit in the fall. Autumn is the harvest season, we can use various fruits to express the autumn atmosphere when we make floral works.


Add the Chocolate Bubble Multi-Headed Rose, a cute little rose in a dark red hue, perfect for this fall-themed garland.


The last flower material is the orange-yellow chrysanthemum, which is also a very autumn-like flower material, adding a touch of bright color to the whole work.


With such a rhythm and weight, various flowers are continuously added to the wreath. It should be noted that the wreath is connected end to end, which symbolizes eternity and endless life. It is a flower gift with profound meaning. Let the flower head of the flower show the feeling of flowing in a clockwise direction, so each flower material is inserted into the flower mud obliquely, and the process of our operation is carried out counterclockwise.


The various flower materials of this garland are relatively similar in size and are relatively small and fragmented, so when we make the garland, we can mix all kinds of flowers like this, and turn the garland counterclockwise little by little. march. However, if the difference in the size of the flowers you use is relatively large, you can use large pieces of flowers to compose the picture on the wreath first, and then add smaller flowers in turn.


When making a wreath, you can rotate the wreath, so that the position that needs to be operated is placed in the most comfortable position for you.


At the end, it connects naturally with the starting position.



Autumn is a beautiful season. The hustle and bustle of summer is gone. At this time, we can calm down our hearts, quietly enjoy the fall garland ideas, and enjoy a quiet hand-made time.


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